While the United states Armed Forces (private mercenaries) are stationed at 737 bases, in 130 nations around the world, defending “all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world,” a Habersham County, georgia Special Weapons And Tactics (para-militarized) team of statute enforcement officers conduct a 3:AM “no-knock” raid (legal home invasion) on the home of Alecia Phonesavanh.  Charles Long, one of the SEOs, tosses a stun grenade into the crib of her 19-month-old son, Bounkham.  The grenade burns two holes into the boy’s body: one in his chest, the other in his face.  The suspect the SEOs are looking for is not there.

       Postscript: Over the course of the next four months, Alecia sustained 900,000 “dollars” in medical bills, which she was unable to pay.  Bounkham required two reconstructive surgeries per year, for the next twenty years.  The county refused to assist with the boy’s rehabilitation treatments.

       NOTE: There were around 3,000 SWAT raids in 1980.  Four decades later that number had risen to nearly 80,000.

       [updated 3/25/2023] Thanks to Freedom’s Phoenix for this entry.

Subsequent Events:

5/31/2014                   6/18/2014                    8/27/2014                   10/2/2014                    10/15/2014



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