Democratic (socialist/fascist) Peter E. Shumlin, of the independent state of vermont, signs Senate Bill 157, legalizing industrial hemp (marijuana) production in the state, partially nullifying the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act.

       [added 7/12/2022] Thanks to Freedom’s Phoenix for this entry.


       While the United states Armed Forces (private mercenaries) are stationed at 737 bases, in 130 nations around the world, defending “all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world,” in an interview with the British Broadcasting Corporation World News, Republican (fascist/socialist) senator John McCain, of the Federal enclave of Arizona, calls for the invasion of the Hong Kong Special Autonomous Region of the fascist People’s Republic of China for harboring patriot-whistleblower Edward Snowden.

       [added 7/12/2022] Thanks to Freedom’s Phoenix for this entry.


       Former Army National Guard Sergeant Daniel Somers (United states Soldier), suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and fibromyalgia, as a result of his participation in the Iraqi-American War, commits suicide, having written a good bye note to his loved ones:

       I am not going to get better, and I will most certainly deteriorate further as time goes on. From a logical standpoint, it is better to simply end things quickly and let any repercussions from that play out in the short term than to drag things out into the long term.

· · · · · ·

       All day, every day a screaming agony in every nerve ending in my body. It is nothing short of torture. My mind is a wasteland, filled with visions of incredible horror, unceasing depression, and crippling anxiety, even with all of the medications the doctors dare give. Simple things that everyone else takes for granted are nearly impossible for me. I can not [sic] laugh or cry. I can barely leave the house. I derive no pleasure from any activity. Everything simply comes down to passing time until I can sleep again. Now, to sleep forever seems to be the most merciful thing.

       You must not blame yourself. The simple truth is this: During my first deployment, I was made to participate in things, the enormity of which is hard to describe. War crimes, crimes against humanity. Though I did not participate willingly, and made what I thought was my best effort to stop these events, there are some things that a person simply can not [sic] come back from. I take some pride in that, actually, as to move on in life after being part of such a thing would be the mark of a sociopath in my mind. These things go far beyond what most are even aware of.

       To force me to do these things and then participate in the ensuing coverup is more than any government has the right to demand. Then, the same government has turned around and abandoned me. They offer no help, and actively block the pursuit of gaining outside help via their corrupt agents at the DEA. Any blame rests with them.

· · · · · ·

       [T]he DEA … [has] now managed to create such a culture of fear in the medical community that doctors are too scared to even take the necessary steps to control the symptoms. All under the guise of a completely manufactured “overprescribing epidemic,” which stands in stark relief to all of the legitimate research, which shows the opposite to be true. Perhaps, with the right medication at the right doses, I could have bought a couple of decent years, but even that is too much to ask from a regime built upon the idea that suffering is noble and relief is just for the weak.

· · · · · ·

       This is what brought me to my actual final mission. Not suicide, but a mercy killing. I know how to kill, and I know how to do it so that there is no pain whatsoever. It was quick, and I did not suffer. And above all, now I am free. I feel no more pain. I have no more nightmares or flashbacks or hallucinations. I am no longer constantly depressed or afraid or worried.

       [added 7/12/2022] Thanks to Freedom’s Phoenix for this entry.

Subsequent Events:

6/15/2013                   6/26/2013                    7/23/2013                    7/25/2013                  7/30/2013

8/2/2013                     9/25/2013                   11/17/2013                   8/15/2013                  8/23/2014

4/10/2015                   6/16/2015                    3/19/2016                    7/6/2016


vermont constitution of 1793, chapter II, Section 6


Agricultural Hemp | Rural Vermont.htm

Sgt. Daniel Somers’ parents expose the failure of those caring for veterans _ Daily Mail Online.htm

Daniel Somers – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

‘I Am Sorry That It Has Come to This’: A Soldier’s Last Words.htm

John McCain Calls For Invasion of Hong Kong – The Daily Currant.htm

Current U.s. National Debt:

