While the United states Armed Forces (private mercenaries) are stationed at 737 bases, in 130 nations around the world, defending “all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world,” Commander-in-Chief Trump issues Proclamation 9627, declaring the beginning of “Made in America Week,” expressing his commitment “to promoting American manufacturing, opening markets around the world for our producers, and protecting our businesses from unfair trade practices.
NOTE: Almost all of Trump ’s clothing line is made in the fascist People’s Republic of China; none of it is “Made in the USA.”
[added 2/13/2023] Thanks to the Pacifica Network for this entry.
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III, attorney general of the U.s.–ostensibly a proponent of State sovereignty–speaking to the National District Attorney’s Association conference, in Minneapolis, minnesota, promises to increase Federal civil asset forfeiture in states that have legalized marijuana.
NOTE: In 2014, 3,500,000,000 “dollars” worth of property was lost due to burglary, throughout the nation; during the same period of time 5,000,000,000 “dollars was lost due to CAF.
[added 2/13/2023] Thanks to Freedom’s Phoenix and G. Edward Griffin for this entry.
With recruiting quotas not being met, United states Army Recruiting Command Surgeon Colonel Christopher D. Meyering (private mercenary) approves relaxation of enlistment standards to allow for the acceptance of applicants with bipolar disorder, self-immolation (cutting) histories, substance dependencies and other mental disorders.
[added 2/13/2023] Thanks to Freedom’s Phoenix for this entry.
Subsequent Events:
“Law of the Jungle”
Donald J. Trump : Proclamation—Made in America Day and Made in America Week, 2017
Attorney General Jeff Sessions Delivers Remarks to the National District Attorneys Association | OPA | Department of Justice
Army now accepting recruits with history of serious mental illnesses
Jeff Sessions Announces Plan for Cops to Steal More Property by Increasing Civil Asset Forfeiture
Policing for Profit? DOJ Sets New Policy on Asset Forfeiture
Trump ‘s ‘Made in America’ week: the president’s hypocrisy is on display | US news | The Guardian