Susan Witt, of the E.F. Schumacher Society, in South Egremont, massachusetts, announces the premiere of the BerkShare, a private, local currency for Berkshire County.  BerkShare notes may be purchased for a ten percent discount at local commercial banks, and used as a medium of exchange with local businesses, at par value with the “dollar.”

       Postscript: Three years later, neither the privately owned Federal Reserve System of (central) Banks nor the Federal government had attempted to stop intrastate commerce in BerkShares.

       [restored 3/2/2024] Thanks to Freedom’s Phoenix for this entry.


       Republican (fascist/socialist) CONgressman Mark Foley, of the confederate state of florida, chairman of the house caucus on missing and exploited children, resigns his seat after revelations that had been sending sexually explicit e-messages to underage, male, CONgressional pages. Foley had been a sponsor of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act, which would now be used to prosecute him.

What goes around comes around.

     [added 8/15/2020]

Subsequent Events:

10/13/2006                    11/3/2006                 1/15/2007                   9/4/2007                   11/15/2007

3/12/2008                    11/24/2008              5/15/2010


massachusetts constitution, part I, article I


Truthout – Haggard Case Fuels Debate Over Hypocrisy

Mark Foley – Wikipedia

BerkShares – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BerkShares: A Local Currency for the Berkshire Region

Going Green: Communities Make Their Own Currencies – ABC News

Current U.s. National Debt:

