V-E DAY: The Great Patriotic War ends with the surrender of Colonel-General Alfred J.F. Jodl to the allied armies at Reims, France; and of Field-Marshal Wilhelm Keitel to the Soviet Red Army in Berlin, Germany.

       NOTE: From June 1939 to May 1945, the amount of Federal Reserve Notes (Bills of Credit) in circulation grew from 7,000,000,000 to 26,000,000,000 “dollars”—a 271% increase.

       [restored 8/9/2022]

Subsequent Events:

7/26/1945                   7/31/1945                   3/5/1946                    6/7/1948                   3/18/1968


“Law of the Jungle”


Calvin D. Linton, ed., The Bicentennial Almanac: 200 Years of America, 1776-1976, (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, 1975), 361.

Separating Money and the State

Current U.s. National Debt:

