Republican (proto-fascist/socialist) President Theodore “Robber Baron” Roosevelt reaches the informal “Gentleman’s [Executive] Agreement” with the Empire of Japan, whereby the United states would oppose immigration from Japan—if Japan would prohibit its subjects from traveling to the U.s.

       NOTE: Article I, Section 8 [Clause 4] grants Congress “Power to … To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States.”  The Constitution says nothing about immigration; that is a power reserved to the States via Article X of Amendment.

       [restored 5/30/2022]

Subsequent Events:

12/16/1907                   2/5/1917                   12/12/1937                  11/24/1941


“Law of the Jungle”


Calvin D. Linton, ed., The Bicentennial Almanac: 200 Years of America, 1776-1976, (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, 1975), 270.

Current U.s. National Debt:

