The first North American Secessionist Convention, meeting in Burlington, vermont, issues the “Burlington Declaration”:
Any political entity has the right to separate itself from a larger body of which it is a part and peaceably to establish its independence as a free and legitimate state in the eyes of the world.
Governments are instituted among peoples, deriving their just powers from the consent of their citizens, and whenever any form of government becomes destructive of the legitimate goals of life, liberty, prosperity, and self-determination, it is the right of the people in democratic fashion to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government in such form as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness.
Any government formed by and dependent upon a constitution to regulate its actions and affairs has certain legitimate powers delegated to it, but any powers not so delegated are reserved to the people of that state and their democratically chosen political bodies.
Nations once independent should engage in peace, commerce, good will, and honest friendship with all nations, and observe good faith, justice, and harmony toward all, but establish entangling relationships with none, nor engage in colonial dominance, political or economic, over any.
Direct democracy, with one vote for each and every citizen (as the polity shall designate citizenship), has proven to be a desirable form of governance among people, but it can operate with justice and equality only when at a small enough scale that each person may be known to every other person; when representative forms of government are undertaken, they should likewise best be established at a scale small enough so that each representative can be informed of the opinions and beliefs of the general run of the people in the constituency or community which that person is chosen to represent.
Among the various organizations represented at the first NASC are:
- the Republic of Cascadia (Oregon, Washington and British Columbia),
- the United Republic of Texas,
- the League of the South,
- the Second Vermont Republic,
- Independent California,
- the Confederate Legion,
- the Free State Project (New Hampshire),
- Christian Exodus (South Carolina),
- Free Hawaii,
- the Alliance for Democracy (social justice),
- the Abbeville Institute (Southern heritage),
- Alaskan Independence Party, and
- the Center for Democracy and the Constitution (social justice).
[added 2/4/2024]
While the United states Armed Forces (private mercenaries) are in Afghanistan, Djibouti, Iraq, the Philippines and west Africa defending “ all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world,” Democratic (socialist/fascist) CONgresswoman Nancy Pelosi, of the republic of california, (who is poised to become speaker of the house should Democrats gain control of the house of representatives in the impending CONgressional elections) promises in an interview with the Columbia Broadcasting System’s television news magazine 60 Minutes that “impeachment is off the table” for Republican (fascist/socialist) President Bush.
[added 3/2/2024] Thanks to Jim Lorenz for this entry.
Subsequent Events:
unanimous Declaration (of Independence), Paragraph 2
Article X of Amendment
Christopher Ketcham, “The American Secessionist Steak,” Los Angeles Times, 10 September 2008, A23.
Burlington Declaration 2006
Information Clearing House Blog – Evil Empire