Sean M. Spicer, Press Secretary to Republican (fascist/socialist) President Trump tells the national media that “The president has maintained for a long time that this [transgender use of washrooms in government-run public schools] is a states’ rights issue and not one for the [F]ederal government.”

       [added 1/15/2023]  

       While the United states Armed Forces (private mercenaries) are stationed at 737 bases, in 130 nations around the world, defending “all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world,” the fourth circuit court of appeals hands down Kolbe v. Hogan: Article II of Amendment does not protect the right to personal ownership of small military rifles, like the AR-15.

       [added 1/15/2023] Thanks to Freedom’s Phoenix

Subsequent Events:

2/23/2017                   5/3/2017                  6/22/2017



Kolbe v. Hogan

Spicer: Trump Says Transgender Issues Not Federal Domain.htm

White House Defers to “States’ Rights” on Transgender Protections—But Not on Legalizing Marijuana.htm

Federal Court Quietly Rules ‘Assault Rifles’ Not Protected by 2nd Amendment

Current U.s. National Debt:

