While the United states Armed Forces (private mercenaries) are stationed at 737 bases, in 130 nations around the world, defending “all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world,” Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III, attorney general of the U.s.—ostensibly an advocate of State sovereignty–speaking to the national media, says,
I am definitely not a fan of expanded use of marijuana. But states, they can pass the laws they choose. I would just say, it does remain a violation of [F]ederal law to distribute marijuana throughout any place in the United [s]tates, whether a state legalizes it or not.
[added 2/3/2023]
The municipal superior court for the District of Columbia hands down United states v. Ali-Fairooz: the jury convicts Desiree A. Ali-Fairooz of laughing during the confirmation hearing for Republican (fascist/socialist) de facto senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III, Esq., of the confederate state of alabama, to be attorney general of the U.S. What Ali-Fairooz found to be so funny four months previous was the opening statement of Republican (fascist/socialist) de facto senator Richard C. Shelby, Esq., of the confederate state of alabama, in which he praised Sessions’ record of “treating all Americans equally under the law is clear and well-documented.”
[added 2/3/2023] Thanks to the Pacifica Network for this entry.
Subsequent Events:
“Law of the Jungle”
Activist Convicted on Criminal Charges for Laughing at Jeff Sessions During His Confirmation Hearings
Sessions More violence around marijuana than ‘one would think’.