While the United states Armed Forces (private mercenaries) are in Afghanistan, Djibouti, Iraq, the Philippines and west Africa defending “all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world,” the Federal Election Commission rules unanimously (6 – 0) that the Reverend Jerry Falwell, of the Thomas Road Baptist Church, (a 501(c)3, government-charted, non-profit corporation, and not a new testament (First Amendment) Church), in Lynchburg, virginia, did not violate Federal election regulations, by urging his congregants to vote for Republican (fascist/socialist) de facto President George W. Bush (having received an unlawful advantage from 52 ineligible Electoral votes), the previous year.

       NOTE: As a 501(c)3, TRBC has given up its right to Freedom of Speech, in exchange for the privilege of giving its contributors a Federal income tax write-off.

Subsequent Events:

9/30/2005                   2/24/2006                   8/16/2008                   9/28/2008


“Law of the Jungle”


“Agency Rules that Falwell Obeyed Election Laws,” Orange County (California) Register, 19 July 2005, News:12.

Current U.s. National Debt:

