In preparation for war against the Republic of France, Federalist (nationalist) President John Adams signs the Direct Tax Act of 1798, assessing a Direct property tax of 18,900 Dollars against the States for each of their members in the House of Representatives, for a total tax of 2,000,000 Dollars.
[restored 2/14/2021]
In preparation for war against the Republic of France, Federalist (nationalist) President John Adams signs the Sedition Act of 1798, making it illegal to criticize the President, Cabinet, or Congress.
NOTE: The act did allow criticism of the Vice-President, who happened to be from an the opposing Republican (constitutionalist) faction.
[updated 11/6/2021] Thanks to Freedom’s Phoenix for this entry.
Subsequent Events:
Article I, Section 9 [Clause 4]
“Law of the Jungle”
Calvin D. Linton, ed. The Bicentennial Almanac: 200 Years of America, 1776-1976, (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, 1975), 55.
Alien and Sedition Acts – Wikipedia
Free Patriot Press You Have (No) Right to Peaceably Assemble.mht