In anticipation of war with the Republic of France, Federalist (nationalist) President John Adams signs the Naval Appropriations Act of 1798, creating a Corps of Marines to serve as security guards on naval vessels of the united States, and as boarding parties onto hostile ships of war.  The corps is to be commanded by a Major, with assistance from 32 officers.  The authorized compliment of marines is 48 sergeants, 48 corporals, and 720 privates.

       [restored 11/5/2021]

       In 2003 the Marines total strength was about 180,000; a far cry from the original 848 and of course far better armed and equipped. Are today’s Marines limited to this constitutional requirement? “Congress shall have power…[Article I, § 8, Cl. 15] To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;” –– JL

Subsequent Events:


Article I, Section 8 [Clauses 10 and 13]


“Today in History,” Orange County (California) Register, 11 July 2000, Accent:2.


Establishment of the U.S. Marine Corps

Current U.s. National Debt:

