William Kristol, founder the neo-conservative periodical The Weekly Standard and Robert Kagan, a foreign policy analyst with the leftist Brookings Institution, co-found the Project for a New American Century for the purpose of advancing an aggressive, interventionist foreign policy for the United states that is unauthorized by the Constitution for the united States:

  • Establishing United States military bases around the world;
  • Overthrowing foreign governments that are hostile to U.s. interests;
  • Initiating pre-emptive (offensive) foreign wars;
  • Preventing other nations from reaching military parity with the U.s.

       [added 4/2/2023] Thanks to Chuck McGlawn for this entry.

Subsequent Events:

11/22/2000                   3/9/2003                    3/9/2007


Project for the New American Century – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.mht

Current U.s. National Debt:

