The United Nations Security Council passes S.C. Resolution 678, ordering Saddam Hussein, military dictator of Iraq, to withdraw from Kuwait within the next seven weeks, or suffer a military reprisal.

       [restored 1/31/2023]


       While the United states Armed Forces (private mercenaries) are in Saudi Arabia, “determined to protect the lives of American citizens abroad,” Republican (fascist/socialist) President George Herbert “Read my lips: no new taxes!” Walker Bush—ostensibly an advocate of the Right to Bear Arms—signs the Gun-Free School Zones Act, making it illegal for unauthorized persons to bring a gun within 1,000 feet of any public school (either government-run or free-market).

       NOTE: In the three decades prior to the enactment of the GFSZA there were 73 killings in 73 shootings incidents in primary and secondary schools across the nation.  In the three decades since the passage of the GFSZA the number of school shootings rose nearly three-fold, and the number of deaths resulting from those shooting rose MORE than three-fold.

       [restored 1/31/2023] Thanks to John R. Lott for this entry.


       Republican President George Herbert “Read my lips, no new taxes” Walker Bush, signs the Immigration Act of 1990, giving the Immigration and Naturalization Service the power to strip naturalized U.s. subject/enemy/citizens of their citizenship without the assent of an Article III judge.

       [added 1/31/2023]

Subsequent Events:

1/14/1991                   2/6/1991                    10/12/1995                   4/5/1996                    4/25/1996


“Law of the Jungle”


“Today in History,” Orange County (California) Register, 29 November 2010, News:3.

Immigration Act of 1990 – Wikipedia

Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 – Wikipedia

List of school shootings in the United States – Wikipedia

Current U.s. National Debt:

