While the United states Armed Forces (private mercenaries) are stationed at 737 bases, in 130 nations around the world, defending “all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world,” supporters of democratic socialist senator Bernard “Bernie” Sanders, of the independent state of vermont (candidate for the Democratic (socialist/fascist) presidential nomination) disrupt the state convention of the Democratic Party of the Federal enclave of Nevada.  The Sanders supporters, angered at the rigging of national delegate assignments by supporters of Hillary Rodham Clinton, former secretary of state, begin throwing chairs at the stage.  On stage is Democratic senator Barbara Boxer, of the republic of california, an opponent of the Rights of Self-Defense, who is protected by her armed Security guards: “I had—I was on the stage and people were six feet away from me and if I didn’t have a lot of Security, I don’t know what would have happened.”

       [added 1/4/2023] Thanks to Freedom’s Phoenix for this entry.

Subsequent Events:

6/2/2016                   7/5/2016                    9/15/2016                   3/24/2018


Prison Planet.com » Anti-Gun Boxer: My Armed Security Saved Me From Bernie Voters.htm

Current U.s. National Debt:

