While the United states Armed Forces (private mercenaries) are stationed at 737 bases, in 130 nations around the world, defending “all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world,” Freddie Gray of Baltimore, maryland dies from injuries inflicted upon him a week earlier by six Baltimore statute enforcement officers (acting under-color-of-law). 

       Gray was walking on a city sidewalk when he made eye contact with SEO Lieutenant Brian Rice; Gray then began to run.  Rice began a pursuit and arrested Gray for allegedly carrying an illegal knife.  Gray was able to run before his arrest, but upon arrival at the County jail, his spinal cord was 80% severed.


  • In 2012 Rice was suspended and hospitalized for threatening to shoot himself. The next year he was disciplined again for stalking his ex-lover.
  • Over the previous five years, the Baltimore SE department has paid out millions in compensation to victims of their “rough rides.”

       [added 12/25/2022] Thanks to G. Edward Griffin for this entry.

Subsequent Events:

4/21/2015                   4/27/2015                    5/19/2015                   6/17/2015


Death of Freddie Gray – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Officer Who Pursued Freddie Gray Has History of Violence, Mental Health Issues – Ben Swann’s Truth In Media.htm

Officer Who Pursued Freddie Gray Has History of Violence, Mental Health Issues – Ben Swann’s Truth In Media.htm

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