The Drone Wars continue: At his weekly “Terror Tuesday” meeting with his national Security staff–Nobel Peace Prize recipient–de facto Commander-in-Chief Obama (either a natural born subject of the United Kingdom enclave of Kenya, or a natural born resident of the republic of Hawaii) orders the drone assassination of al Qaida leader, Ahmed Farouq, an American.
Postscript: The next day not only was Farouq killed, but also another American Warren Weinstein, Pakistan Director of Operations for J.E. Austin Associates. Also killed was Giovanni Lo Porto, an Italian aid worker. Both Weinstein and Lo Porto were being held as hostages by al Qaida.
NOTE: Obama has launched more cruise missiles than all other Nobel Peace Prize recipients combined.
Question: Is it any wonder why they hate us?
[added 12/22/2022] Thanks to G. Edward Griffin for this entry.
Subsequent Events:
Secret ‘Kill List’ Tests Obama’s Principles –
Warren Weinstein – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia says Obama born in Kenya,view&pageId=103810
“Uncle Sam’s Flag of 37 Stars,” by Tom Caldwell and Jim Lorenz