The second Red Scare continues: After six weeks of investigating the United states Army (private mercenaries) for communist influence, Joseph N. Welch, chief counsel for the U.s. Army, challenges Republican (fascist/socialist) de facto senator Joseph R. McCarthy, Esq., of wisconsin:
You’ve done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency? … Mr. McCarthy, I will not discuss this further with you. You have sat within six feet of me and could have asked me about Fred[erick G.] Fisher[, Jr.] You have seen fit to bring it out. And if there is a God in Heaven it will do neither you nor your cause any good. I will not discuss it further.
Welch was responding at McCarthy’s attempted character assassination of Fisher, an attorney with Welch’s law firm and a former member of the National Lawyers Guild.
- Many historians cite this as the beginning of the end of McCarthy’s bid for a national power base, as he was censured by the senate six months later.
- As an attorney (Officer of the Court) McCarthy was ineligible to serve in two branches of government at the same time, according to Article I, Section 6 [Clause 2].
[restored 9/17/2022]
Subsequent Events:
Article I of Amendment
Army–McCarthy hearings – Wikipedia
McCarthy-Welch Exchange During the Army-McCarthy Hearings – Online Speech Bank