Woe unto you lawyers!  For you have taken away the key of knowledge.

—- Luke 11:52

       While the United states Armed Forces (private mercenaries) are stationed at 737 bases, in 130 nations around the world, defending “all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world,” the ninth judicial circuit court, of the confederate state of florida, hands down state v. Schimdter: judge Belvin Perry, Jr., sentences Mark Schimdter to 145 days in jail for distributing flyers outside the Orange County courthouse, teaching on the lawful power of Jury Nullification (The act of a fully informed Jury, empowered through self-knowledge, to judge the decrees and the evidence in question).

       [added 6/15/2022] Thanks to G. Edward Griffin for this entry.

       The superior court of Fresno County, california hands down state v. Spriggs, summarily ruling against Steven Spriggs’ appeal of a “traffic” (a legal term for goods, services, or persons in commercial “transit”) citation–even after legal representation from the District Attorney’s office failed to appear.

        [added 6/15/2022] Thanks to Freedoms Phoenix for this entry.

Subsequent Events:

2/26/2013                   3/4/2013                    3/8/2013                   3/21/2013                  5/14/2013



“Law of the Jungle”


Activist Post: Jury Nullification Activist Jailed 145 Days for Distributing Info.mht

Calif. court  Motorist can’t use hand-held map – Yahoo News.htm

Current U.s. National Debt:

