As the Great Recession continues around the world, Prime Minister Geirhm Haarde, of Iceland, orders a two-day suspension of trading on the Reykjavik stock exchange and the seizure of three of his nation’s largest commercial banks, as his nation is spiraling into hyper-stagflation (accelerating unemployment and inflation (depreciation of paper money).

       [added 5/31/2021]


       While the United states Armed Forces (private mercenaries) are stationed at 737 bases, in 130 nations around the world, defending “all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world,” Drug Enforcement agents (acting under-color-of-law) raid and shut down the Laguna Beach (california) Holistic Center, a legal medicinal marijuana dispensary.

       [added 5/31/2021]

Subsequent Events:

10/14/2008                   10/15/2008                   10/23/2008                    11/1/2008                   12/1/2008

2/3/2009                       2/25/2009                     3/20/2009                      3/25/2009


Salvador Hernandez, “Marijuana Dispensary in Laguna Beach Raided,” Orange County (California) Register, 10 October 2008, Local:4.

CBS News Timeline: U.S. Credit Crunch & Financial Failures Follow Subprime Mortgage Crisis

Iceland Seizes Bank As Financial Crisis Worsens –

Current U.s. National Debt:

