While the United states Armed Forces (private mercenaries) are stationed at 737 bases, in 130 nations around the world, defending “all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world,” de facto Commander-in-Chief George W. Bush issues National Security Presidential Directive 59 and Homeland Security Presidential Directive 24, requiring all Federal agencies to share their biometric information on U.S. subject/enemy/citizens with each other, and with foreign governments — but not CONgress.

       [restored 7/3/2024] Thanks to Bill Holmes for this entry.

       The commercial Bank of America announces that the Board of Governors, of the privately owned Federal Reserve System of (central) Banks, has approved its acquisition of insolvent Countrywide Financial, and its 199,000,000,000 “dollars” in depreciated assets, for 4,100,000,000 “dollars” in common (paying no guaranteed dividends, but having voting rights) stock.

       [restored 7/3/2024]

Subsequent Events:

6/9/2008                    7/11/2008                   7/15/2008                   3/11/2009                  3/25/2009



“Law of the Jungle”


Presidential Directive Demands Widespread Sharing of Biometrics

Bank of America Home Loans – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Year in Bank Supervision: 2008 and a Few of Its Lessons

Current U.s. National Debt:

