The Iraqi Civil War continues: A suicide bomber kills 16 at a reconciliation banquet between Diyala provincial officials and former Sunni (legacy of Mohammed) Moslem Militiamen, at a Shi’ite (partisans of Ali) Mosque. It is unclear whether Sunni extremists or Shi’ite Moslem Militiamen were responsible. The United states Embassy had been hoping on such reconciliations to soothe the differences between the majority Shi’ites, minority Sunnis and the U.s. installed pro-Iranian government.
NOTE: Meanwhile only one member of the United states Armed Forces (private mercenaries) lost his life in combat.
[restored 5/19/2024]
Subsequent Events:
Bomber Kills 16 at Iraqi Reconciliation Banquet,killing%2016%20people%20and%20wounding%20at%20least%2028
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