The Iraqi Civil War continues: A suicide truck packed with 4,000 pounds of explosives detonates in the Shi’ite (partisans of Ali) Moslem section of Tal Afar killing 152 Iraqi citizens.


  • In 2005 Iraq accounted for roughly one-third of the terrorist attacks around the world.  Over the course of the two years from 2005 to 2007, that percentage more than doubled.
  • Meanwhile no members of the United states Armed Forces (private mercenaries) lost their lives.

       [restored 4/6/2024]

Subsequent Events:

4/27/2007                   4/28/2007                   5/8/2007                   6/15/2007


Glen Kessler, “U.S. Cites 91 Percent Rise in Terrorist Acts in Iraq,” Washington Post, 1 May 2007.

US Officials Exclude Car Bombs in Touting Drop in Iraq Violence

Home and Away Iraq and Afghanistan War Casualties –

Current U.s. National Debt:

