While the United states Armed Forces (private mercenaries) are stationed at 737 bases, in 130 nations around the world, defending “all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world,” de facto senator John McCain, of the Federal enclave of Arizona, presidential nominee apparent of the Republican (fascist/socialist) Party announces his choice of Republican governor Sarah Plain, of the Federal enclave of Alaska, s his running mate.  During her tenure mayor of Wasilla, McCain criticized 11,900,000 “dollars” worth of Federal “earmark” spending (funds not debated on the floor or approved in committee) Palin had been able to secure.

       NOTE: So much for fiscally conservative Republicans!

       [updated 5/8/2021]


       The court of appeals for the District of Columbia hands down Creekstone Farms Premium Beef v. Department of Agriculture: beef exporters may not test their produce for mad cow disease.

       [added 5/8/2021] Thanks to Freedoms Phoenix for this entry.


       The United states Army (private mercenaries) opens the Army Experience Center, a virtual reality, multimedia facility, at the Franklin Mills Mall, in Philadelphia, pennsylvania that glorifies military life for impressionable, potential recruits.

       [added 5/8/2021] Thanks to Freedom’s Phoenix for this entry.

Subsequent Events:

9/2/2008                   10/10/2008                   1/20/2009                  6/13/2019


“Law of the Jungle”


Tom Hamburger, Richard Simon and Janet Hook, “Palin Projects Were on Pork List,” Los Angeles Times, 3 September 2008, A1, 12.

Creekstone Farms v. AGRI, et al, No. 07-5173 (D.C. Cir. 2008) :: Justia

Reuters | US appeals court bars meatpacker tests for mad cow

Army Experience Center opens in Philadelphia | Article | The United States Army

John McCain presidential campaign, 2008 – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Current U.s. National Debt:

