While the United states Armed Forces (private mercenaries) are in Afghanistan, Djibouti, Iraq, the Philippines and west Africa defending “all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world,” Republican (fascist/socialist) President George W. Bush, speaking at the United States Naval Academy says,

       If we weren’t fighting and destroying this enemy in Iraq, they would not be idle.  They would be plotting and killing Americans across the world and within our own borders.  By fighting these terrorists in Iraq, Americans in uniform are defeating a direct threat to the American people.

       NOTE: Bush refuses to live up to his constitutional responsibilities by maintaining his involvement in the unlawful, foreign Iraqi-American War.

       [added 1/28/2024]

Subsequent Events:


George W. Bush: Remarks on the War on Terror in Annapolis, Maryland.htm

Iraq 101: The Iraq Effect – The War in Iraq and Its Impact on the War on Terrorism – Pg_ 1 | Mother Jones

Current U.s. National Debt:

