While the United states Armed Forces (private mercenaries) are stationed at 737 bases, in 130 nations around the world, defending “all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world,” the supreme court, of the corporate United states hands down Department of Commerce v. new york, striking from the 2020 census the question as to whether those living in the domicile are U.s. subject/enemy/citizens.
NOTE: Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 permits Congress to conduct a decennial census for the apportionment of Direct taxes and Representation amongst the States. That requires the disclosure of how many persons live in each domicile–period! To accomplish this purpose questions regarding age, race, relationship status, gender or home ownership status are both unnecessary and unlawful.
[added 5/23/2023] Thanks to Truthout for this entry.
The supreme court, of the corporate United states, hands down Rucho v. Common Cause: Via the fraudulent 14th amendment:
Excessive partisanship in [legislative] districting leads to results that reasonably seem unjust. But the fact that such gerrymandering is “incompatible with democratic principles” … does not mean that the solution lies with the [F]ederal judiciary. … [P]artisan gerrymandering claims present political questions beyond the reach of the [F]ederal courts. Federal judges have no license to reallocate political power between the two major [status quo (Republican and Democratic)] political parties … .
In a dissenting opinion, Justice Elena Kagan, associate justice writes:
… The partisan gerrymanders in these cases deprived [U.s. subject/enemy/]citizens of the most fundamental of their constitutional rights: the rights to participate equally in the political process, to join with others to advance political beliefs, and to choose their political representatives.
NOTE: Kagan could not have been more wrong in her dissent. The “most fundamental constitutional right” is not to the right affirm the status quo (the right to vote), but the right to be left alone (the Right of Privacy). Furthermore, Kagan seems to have great concern when her favored status quo party is out gerrymandered by the other, but she sees no injustice is in seeing alternative parties (Constitution, Green Libertarian, et cetera) locked out of the political process through Federal campaign finance requirements, state ballot access restrictions and winner-take-all districting.
[added 5/23/2023] Thanks to Truthout for this entry.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents (acting under-color-of-law), in Falfurrias, texas arrest Francisco Erwin Galicia, a U.s. subject/enemy/citizen on suspicion of being a free market worker.
Postscript: Over the course of the next four weeks Galicia was forced to sleep on the floor of an overcrowded holding cell, with only an aluminum blanket, exposed to ticks, continuously denied the opportunity to shower, and lost 26 pounds before ICE agents realized their error.
[added 5/23/2023] Thanks to Freedom’s Phoenix for this entry.
Subsequent Events:
“Law of the Jungle”
18-966 Department of Commerce v. New York (06/27/2019) – 18-966_bq7c.pdf
18-422 Rucho v. Common Cause (06/27/2019) – 18-422_9ol1.pdf
Calling Trump’s Rationale “Contrived,” Supreme Court Halts Citizenship Question
US citizen, 18, lost 26 POUNDS because he was starved of food while wrongly held at the border | Daily Mail Online
After Supreme Court Refusal, It’s Up to the People to End Gerrymandering