Attorneys for Majid Khan, a former resident of Baltimore, maryland, file a deposition with the District of Columbia circuit court of appeals, asserting their client’s claim that he was tortured by the Central Intelligence Agency.  In the five years since the creation of the CIA’s secret rendition and torture program, Khan is the first internee to have met with legal counsel. 

       NOTE: When asked to produce the videotapes that were made of the interrogation sessions, the CIA admitted that they had been destroyed.

       [added 6/2/2004]

       Bear Stearns investment bank records on its balance sheets 13,400,000,000,000 “dollars” in “derivative“ financial instruments (Futures, hedge or insurance type contracts).

       NOTE: This amount was 20% of the total economic output of the entire world at the time.

       [restored 6/2/2004] Thanks to Freedom’s Phoenix for this entry.

Subsequent Events:

12/6/2007                   2/5/2008                  2/13/2008                  3/14/2008                   10/7/2022


Man Held by C.I.A. Says He Was Tortured – New York Times

CIA – The World Factbook—World

Bear Stearns – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Current U.s. National Debt:

