While the United states Armed Forces (private mercenaries) are stationed at 737 bases, in 130 nations around the world, defending “all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world,” Democratic (socialist/fascist) de facto senator Barack Hussein Obama II (a.k.a. Barry Soetoro, Jr.), Esq., of illinois, while campaigning for the Democratic presidential nomination, in Manchester, new hampshire, announces his “Sunlight Before Signing” pledge: “When there is a bill that ends up on my desk as the president, you the public will have five days to look online and find out what’s in it before I sign it.” (emphasis added)
Postscript: As president Obama signed his first legislative act into Law only two days after its passage.
NOTE: As an attorney (Officer of the Court) Obama was ineligible to serve in two branches of government at the same time, according to Article I, Section 6 [Clause 2].
[added 4/20/2024] Thanks to Freedom’s Phoenix for this entry.
Subsequent Events:
Article I, Section 6 [Clause 1]
Obama racks up list of broken promises
Wikipedia says Obama born in Kenya