FALSE FLAG OPERATION (1990): “Nayirah” testifies to the congressional human rights caucus committee, of war atrocities committed by the Army of Iraq against the Kuwaiti nationals in their occupied realm. The 15 year-old girl goes into great detail of how 312 newborn babies were pulled from incubators, and thrown to their deaths on hospital floors.
- “Nayirah” was in truth Nayirah Al-Sabah the daughter of Saud Nasir Al-Sabah, Kuwait’s Ambassador to the United states. The family lived next door to Democrat (socialist/fascist) de facto senator Edward M. Kennedy, Esq., of the commonwealth of massachusetts. “Nayirah” had not been to Kuwait during its occupation. Her entire testimony was fabricated. But that did not stop President George Herbert Walker Bush from citing her testimony as another reason why Saddam Hussein, military dictator of Iraq, must be contained.
- A false flag operation is a clandestine action usually carried out by a group with an agenda, done in such a way to mislead a population into believing it is being done by someone else.
- In the opinion of history, and of the editors and writers, we are forced to agree on prima facie evidence alone that this is a False Flag incident at least in the military way.
- As an attorney (Officer of the Court) Kennedy was ineligible to serve in two branches of government at the same time, according to Article I, Section 6 [Clause 2].
[added 1/31/2023]
Subsequent Events:
What about the incubators?
How the War Party Sold the 1991 Bombing of Iraq to US by Mitchel Cohen