The United states Air Force (private mercenaries) bombs the Kabul, Afghanistan offices the Al-Jazeera and British Broadcasting Corporation television news networks.  The Air Force had been repeatedly reminded by Al-Jazeera of its location.

       [added 6/18/2023] Thanks to Freedom’s Phoenix for this entry.

       Woe unto you lawyers!  For you have taken away the key of knowledge.

—- Luke 11:52

       De facto Commander-in-Chief George W. Bush (having received an unlawful advantage of 41 ineligible Electoral votes) issues Military Order November 13, 2001, establishing secret military tribunals to judge—without Trial by Jury—individuals suspected of international terrorism, either Afghan Taliban (Pushtun for “students of Islam”) partisans or “Afghani” (Arab, Pakistani, etc.) partisans of Al Qaida. For purposes of “national security” these courts will not follow the rules of due process:

  • Exculpatory (proof of innocence) evidence may be kept from the defendant and his counsel;
  • The court is allowed to make up its own rules;
  • Only a two-thirds vote is necessary for conviction;
  • No review by a higher court—a violation of Article III, Section 1.

This order establishes “the right to use them [military tribunals] if he so chooses.”

       NOTE: This is a direct violation of Article V of Amendment: “No person shall be held to answer for a…crime, unless on a…indictment of a Grand Jury….”  The only exception to this are members of the Militia (who are called into the service of the United States, by Congress) of which there has been no Militia of the united States for a century. By CONgress’ not having declared war, Bush avoids having to treat captured Taliban Afghans and Al Qaeda “Afghanis” (Arabs, Pakistanis, etc.) as prisoners of war, thus avoiding having to abide by the Geneva Conventions.  Instead of giving them courts martial (which have greater due process guarantees than civilian trials), the “detainees” can be judged by military commissions, in which the prosecution has the lowest burden of proof possible.

       [restored 6/18/2023]

       Where is the invasion, where is the insurrection, what “Laws of the Union,” are being enforced?  Why hasn’t the CONgress enforced these vital elements to prevent the establishment of standing armies?  Because it wants a standing army? —- JL

       The supreme court, of the corporate United states, hands down TRW v. Andrews: the statute of limitations on a civil suit for fraud, begins when the fraud is committed, not when it is discovered, by the victim.

       [restored 6/18/2023]

       Talk about slippery slopes.  This will have tragic results. —- JL

Subsequent Events:

11/14/2001                 12/28/2001                   1/9/2002                   4/29/2002                    6/19/2002

6/27/2002                  7/30/2002                   4/8/2003                       4/16/2004                 5/19/2004


“Law of the Jungle”


U.S. President, George W. Bush (November 13, 2001), “Military Order–Detention, Treatment, and Trial of Certain Non-Citizens in the War Against Terrorism,” Weekly Comp., 37 (November 19, 2001): 1665-68.

Ross Baker, “Nobody Named Bush King Yet,” Los Angeles Times, 27 November 2001, B15.

James Gerstenzang and Josh Meyer, “Bush Defends War Tribunals as Necessary,” Los Angeles Times, 30 November 2001, A1, 25.

Ron Kampeas, “U.S. Allies Allow Red Cross to Access Captives,” St. George (Utah) Spectrum and Daily News, 27 December 2001, A9.

William Safire, “Putting a Noose on Justice,” Orange County (California) Register, 15 November 2001, Local:9. “U.S. Makes War on Bill of Rights,” Orange County (California) Register, 16 November 2001, Local:8.

David G. Savage, “Court Set for New Term and Novel Issues,” Los Angeles Times, 30 September 2001, A37.

TRW Inc. v. Andrews – Wikipedia

A Short History of U.S. Bombing of Civilian Facilities.htm

“Uncle Sam’s Flag of 37 Stars,” by Tom Caldwell and Jim Lorenz

Current U.s. National Debt:

