The Columbine Massacre: Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, students at Columbine (government-run public) High School, (a gun free zone) in Golden, colorado, go on a murderous rampage, killing twelve students and a teacher.  The students armed with two shotguns, carbine rifle several-semi-automatic handguns, 232 rounds of ammunition and homemade propane bombs that they spent weeks manufacturing in their basements, are obsessed with avenging years of verbal and physical abuse suffered at schools they were legally compelled to attend.  Sheriff John Stone, of Jefferson County, colorado, whose deputies show no fear when it comes to writing traffic (a legal term for goods, services, or persons in commercial “transit”) citations against unarmed, middle-aged United states enemy-citizens, waited three hours before sending in officers to restore order.  In the meantime, Dave Sanders, the teacher, bled to death, while a small army of statute enforcement officers stood outside, under orders NOT to intervene.  By statute, not one teacher was armed, which could have lessened this tragedy.


  • Harris was taking the psychotropic prescription drug Luvox.
  • A “gun-free zone,” is a statutorily mandated area where there will not be enough people carrying guns to neutralize the efforts of a deranged person on a homicidal rampage.


  • Sheriff Stone, had released the name of Brooks Brown, who was shot and killed, fleeing the school, as a third suspect in the massacre. When in fact it was Brown who warned statute enforcement officers of the impending tragedy over a year previous, when he first became aware of the homicidal intentions of Harris and Klebold.  It took Stone almost three years to clear Brown’s name.
  • In the two decades since this tragedy approximately 200 government-run public school students have died at the hands of lone assassins; whereas statute enforcement officers, across the nation, kill FIVE TIMES that number EVERY year.

       [restored 5/4/2023] Thanks to G. Edward Griffin and Freedom’s Phoenix for this entry.

       I think this illustrates the failures of both government education and police bureaucracies. ——JL

Subsequent Events:

5/20/1999                   1/12/2000                    1/16/2002                   3/11/2004


Julie Cart, “‘Three years of Hell’ for Colo. Sheriff,” Orange County (California) Register, 20 April 2002, A1, 13.

LCN: General Information: Columbine High School

Science teacher died a hero

The Konformist

Couple seeks to recall Jeffco sheriff

Columbine High School massacre – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Psychiatric Meds Prescription for Murder

School shootings are extraordinarily rare. Why is fear of them driving policy? – The Washington Post

Nationwide, police shot and killed nearly 1,000 people in 2017 – The Washington Post

Current U.s. National Debt:

