In a letter to Newt Gingrich, speaker of the house of representatives, and senator Robert Dole, of kansas (senate majority leader), , proposes the Libertarian Party’s “Challenge to the Republicans” requesting that the first Republican (fascist/socialist) CONgress in four decades abolish 21 unlawful Federal agencies and programs:

  • Amtrak,
  • the Appalachian Regional Commission,
  • the Corporation for Public Broadcasting,
  • the Civilian Marksman Program,
  • the Davis Bacon Act,
  • the Economic Development Administration,
  • the Fossil Energy Research Program,
  • the Interstate Commerce Commission,
  • the National Endowment for the Arts,
  • the National Service Program,
  • the Overseas Marketing Board,
  • the Selective Service,
  • Steamtown USA;
  • also the Domestic Partners Ordinance of the District of Columbia,
  • Federal Communications Commission controls on 900 telephone lines,
  • Federal Communications Commission controls on cable television,
  • the international space station,
  • shipping quotas and subsidies,
  • subsidized grazing fees,
  • the Federal ban on semi-automatic weapons,
  • military spending in support of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the United Nations,
  • and the “War on Drugs.”

       Postscript: The Republican CONgress failed to act on a single one of the LP’s proposals.  Again this is another indication the RP is only interested in attaining and maintaining political power, and can never be counted upon do reduce the Federal government to within its constitutional limits.

       [added 3/22/2023]

Subsequent Events:

2/16/1995                   9/11/1996                    1/19/1999                   9/2/2004                    8/31/2005




Bill Winter, “Libertarian Party’s 30th Year, 1971 – 2001: Remembering the First Three Decades of America’s ‘Party of Principle,’” Libertarian Party News, December 2001, 1, 14.

LP Press Release:  Libertarian Party issues “Challenge to the Republicans”

Current U.s. National Debt:

