The Iraqi Civil War continues: a simultaneous truck bomb and rocket attack in the ostensibly secure “Green Zone” of Baghdad, by the al-Qaida (Arabic for “the Base”) international terrorist network, kills 28 Shi’ite (partisans of Ali) Moslem Iraqi citizens. In three other terrorist incidents across Iraq, 13 Iraqis lost their lives.
NOTE: Meanwhile only seven members of the United states Armed Forces (private mercenaries) lost their lives in combat.
[added 4/27/2024]
While the United states Armed Forces (private mercenaries) are stationed at 737 bases, in 130 nations around the world, defending “all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world,” the Federal court for the district of massachusetts hands down Limone v. United states: judge Nancy Gertner orders the Federal Bureau of Investigation to pay over 100,000,000 “dollars” to Peter J. Limone, Joseph Salvati, and the estates of Louis Greco, and Henry Tameleo, for their wrongful convictions in the 1965 murder of Edward “Teddy” Deegan. At the time of their 1968 conviction the entire chain of command in the FBI, all the way up to J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI, knew that the four men were innocent, but deliberately concealed evidence from the trial that proved the murders were solely committed by Ronald Casessa, Romeo Martin, Vincent James Flemmi, and Joseph Barboza. At the trial, Barboza, an FBI informant, actually testified against the four framed defendants, even though Hoover knew Barboza was committing perjury.
- This award came not out of the property and pensions of the Federal agents (acting under-color-of-law) responsible for this injustice, but out of the confiscated earnings of United states enemy/subject/citizens extorted through the unlawful Federal income tax, who did not do this.
- Twelve years previous, Greco died in prison from cancer, heart disease and untreated diabetes.
[added 8/18/2020] Thanks to Bill Holmes for this entry.
Subsequent Events:
“Law of the Jungle”
Recent Cases
Wall of Shame: The F.B.I.: Timeline of the FBI’s four-decades long cover-up of complicity in Edward Deegan’s murder, and the agencies frame-up of four innocent men
US ordered to pay $101.7m in false murder convictions
Attacks rip through Baghdad district –
Home and Away Iraq and Afghanistan War Casualties –