Those who cast the votes decide nothing.  Those who count the votes decide everything.

—-  usually attributed to Josef Stalin

       DEPENDENCE DAY: Craig C. Donsanto, Director of the Election Crimes Branch (tasked with prosecuting voter fraud) of the department of justice, in an interview with the Los Angeles Times, dismisses the possibility of electoral fraud: “You have to have access and some degree of technical knowledge to penetrate an electronic tabulating system.”


  • Donsanto was sued at least once for refusing to carry out his sworn duties to prosecute electoral fraud.
  • While a few private individuals committing voter fraud are not likely to affect the outcome on an election, a few public officials committing electoral fraud are much more likely to influence the outcome on an election; just as private individuals such as a Luis Garavito or a Harold Shipman, are capable of murdering 140 or 218 people, whereas a Hitler, Stalin or Mao can murder millions.

       [added 1/23/2023]

Subsequent Events:


James M. and Kenneth F. Collier, Votescam: The stealing of America, (New York: Victoria House, 1992), 304.

List of murderers by number of victims- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

International Emergency Economic Powers Act- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Current U.s. National Debt:

