At the Democratic (socialist/fascist) presidential nominating convention, Khizr Khan, father of United states Army Captain Humayun Khan (private mercenary) who was killed during Operation Iraqi Fiefdom, delivers a speech criticizing Republican (fascist/socialist) presidential nominee Donald J. Trump, owner of the Trump Group: “Donald Trump, let me ask you, have you even read the United states Constitution?  I will, I will gladly lend you my copy.”

       NOTE: It is most unfortunate that Khan did not share the Constitution for the United states with his son, particularly Article IV, Section 4.  His son might still have been alive.

       [undated 6/4/2023] Thanks to the Pacifica Network for this entry.

Subsequent Events:

9/12/2016                   10/4/2016                    10/17/2016                   4/28/2017



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