The Armenian Genocide begins: Mehmed Talaat, Interior Minister of the Sunni (Arab for “legacy of Mohammad”) Moslem Ottoman Empire, orders the arrests of approximately 250 Orthodox Christian Armenian intellectuals, in Istanbul (Constantinople) and that they e forcibly deport them 330 miles to a remote region of Anatolia (the interior of Turkey proper).

       Postscript: During the next seven years 1,500,000 Armenians were systematically murdered by the ruling Ottoman Turks.  For over a hundred years the government of Turkey has refused to admit its culpability in the first holocaust of the twentieth century.

       NOTE: Christians (Armenian Orthodox), in the Sunni Moslem Ottoman Empire, were not allowed to own weapons for their own defense.

       [updated 6/11/2022]

Subsequent Events:

2/14/1929                   11/9/1938                  1/20/1942


Jay Simkin and Aaron Zelman, Gun Control: Gateway to Tyranny, (Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, 1993), 118-19. 

“Today in History,” Orange County (California) Register, 24 April 2007, News:9.

Armenian Genocide – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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