While the United states Armed Forces (private mercenaries) are stationed at 737 bases, in 130 nations around the world, defending “all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world,” the eleventh circuit court of appeals hands down United states v. Padilla, vacating the 17-year, four-month prison sentence imposed upon Jose Padilla (a.k.a. Abdullah al-Muhajir), and remanding the case back to the Federal court for the southern district of the confederate state of florida for the burdening of additional prison time.
NOTE: This is Double Jeopardy, which is prohibited by Article V of Amendment.
[added 5/11/2022]
The court of appeals for the first district of the republic of california hands down Field v. Bowen, declaring as lawful–via the fraudulent 14th amendment–the exclusion of alternative candidates (Constitution, Green, Libertarian, et cetera) from the general election government ballot, if they are not among the top two vote winners in the “blanket” primary election.
NOTE: This further entrenches the duopoly of the two status quo parties (Democratic and Republican).
[added 5/11/2022]
Subsequent Events:
“Law of the Jungle”
FIELD v. BOWEN | 199 Cal.App.4th 346 (2011) | 20110919007 | Leagle.com
José Padilla (prisoner) – Wikipedia