At the reconvening of the Republican (nationalist) 39th Constitutional Congress (elected in accordance with Article I, Section 3 [Clause 1]) Republican Senator Charles Sumner, of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, revises his plan for Congressional (radical) Reconstruction:
That in determining what is a republican form of government, Congress must follow implicitly the definition supplied by the [unanimous] Declaration of Independence, and in the practical application of this definition, it must, after excluding all disloyal persons, take care that he new governments are founded on the fundamental truths therein contained; first, that all men are equal in rights; and secondly, that just government stands only on the consent of the governed.
NOTE: As independent-Democrat (constitutionalist) President Tyler and Roger B. Taney, Chief Justice of the united States, made their points during the Dorr Rebellion: It is not within the purview of the president, the Courts, or Congress to determine what is a republican form of government, rather that is prerogative of WE THE PEOPLE acting within their States.
[added 4/30/2022]
Subsequent Events:
Article I, Section 6 [Clause 1]
William M. Weicek, The Guarantee Clause of the U.S. Constitution, (Ithaca, New York and London: Cornell University Press, 1972), 211-12.