Democratic (constitutionalist) de facto Representative Clemet L. Vallandigham, of the federal enclave of Ohio, acknowledged leader of the “Copperhead” (pro-Confederate) faction of the party coins the Copperhead slogan, “To maintain the Constitution as it is, and to restore the [voluntary] Union as it was.”

       NOTE: The slogan suggests that it was the Copperheads that were there true patriots: They did not attempt to alter or ignore the Constitution, nor did they really wish to see the voluntary Union dissolved.  Rather they sought to preserve State sovereignty.

       [added 4/1/2022]

Subsequent Events:

3/1/1863                 6/11/1863                  11/4/1866               



Clement Vallandigham – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.mht

“Uncle Sam’s Flag of 37 Stars,” by Tom Caldwell and Jim Lorenz

Current U.s. National Debt:

