The legislature of Maryland passes a resolution protesting the War of Federal Aggression as unconstitutional and unjust, proclaiming neutrality and calling for recognition of the Confederacy as an independent nation. 

       [added 3/19/2022]


       The Camp Jackson (Missouri) Massacre: Captain Nathaniel Lyon, of the Army of the united States, commanding the German Home Guard and his own private “Wide Awakes” Militia, orders his troops to fire on State sovereign Citizens, who became enraged at his humiliation of the St. Louis Militia, after they refused to take an oath to the federal government.  Twenty-eight civilians are killed, almost six times as many as the Boston Massacre.

       Postscript: The next day the State legislature organized the Missouri State Guard (militia), under the command of Major General Sterling Price, to defend Missouri against any further federal violence. 

       NOTE: Until this event, the majority consensus was for Missouri to remain in the compulsory Union, but not to take sides in the War of Federal Aggression.  Now public sentiment was steadily moving toward secession.

       [restored 3/19/2022]

Subsequent Events:

5/13/1861                   4/12/1864



Abraham Lincoln and Maryland – Abraham Lincoln’s Classroom.mht

Camp Jackson Affair – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Current U.s. National Debt:

