While the United States Armed Forces (private mercenaries) are stationed at 737 bases, in 130 nations around the world, defending “all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world,” the supreme court, of the corporate United states, hands down Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission: a provision of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act prohibiting unions, corporations and not-for-profit organizations from broadcasting electioneering communications within 60 days of a general election or 30 days of a primary election violates Freedom of Speech.  This expands Freedom of Speech to corporations.

       NOTE: The only effective way to keep money out of politics is for WE THE PEOPLE to demand that Congress obey the Constitution of original intent, by only exercising those powers that are expressly stated.

      [updated 8/2/2024] Thanks to Freedom’s Phoenix for this entry.

Subsequent Events:

1/27/2010                   5/26/2011                   6/4/2012                   3/26/2013                  4/15/2015


“Law of the Jungle”


Citizens United v. FEC – Wikipedia

Activist Post: 16 Ways the Supreme Court Built the Police State and Destroyed Your Rights

The BRAD BLOG | VIDEO How ‘Corporate Personhood’ and ‘Citizens United v. FEC’ Has Gutted U.S. Democracy.mht

Current U.s. National Debt:

