Republican (fascist/socialist) de facto President George W. Bush (having received an unlawful advantage of 52 ineligible Electoral votes) admits to the national media that he ordered the National Security Agency to spy on the telephone conversations of U.S. enemy/subject/citizens—without a search warrant.

       [restored 8/29/2020] Thanks to Al Franken for this entry.

Subsequent Events:


U.S. President, George W. Bush (April 20, 2004), “Remarks in a Discussion on the PATRIOT Act in Buffalo, New York,” Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, 39 (April 26, 2004): 638, 641.

Alan Bock, “Reflections–Nothing Has Changed,: Liberty 20 (March 2005) 3:7.

Brendan Nyhan Bush 2004-2005: A wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed.

Tomgram: De la Vega, Does the President Really Know Best?

“Uncle Sam’s Flag of 43 Stars,” by Tom Caldwell and Jim Lorenz

Current U.s. National Debt:

