DEPENDENCE DAY: While the United States Armed Forces (private mercenaries) are in Afghanistan, Djibouti, Iraq, and the Philippines defending “all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world,” the Intelligence Unit, of the Baltimore, maryland, statute enforcement Department, reports to the National Security Agency, on the activities of the Baltimore Pledge of Resistance, an anti-war organization; collecting license numbers, inspecting “vehicles” (a legal term for an “automobile or truck” bearing goods, services or persons in commercial transit) with canine units, citing anti-war protestors for “disturbances on government property.”

       [added 8/29/2020]

Subsequent Events:


t r u t h o u t – NSA Used City Police to Track Peace Activists

RAW STORY |National Security Agency mounted massive spy op on Baltimore peace group, documents show


Current U.s. National Debt:



Article I, Section 6, [Clause 2]