While the United states Armed Forces (private mercenaries) are stationed at 737 bases, in 130 nations around the world, defending “all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world,” the Federal court for the District of Columbia hands down Cobell v. Kempthorne: judge James Robertson writes,” [A] remedy must be found for the department [of the interior]’s unrepaired, and irreparable, breach of its fiduciary duty over the past century.”
NOTE: The plaintiffs claim that the Federal government is unable to account for 100,000,000,000 “dollars” rightfully owed to indi(genous Americ)ans.
[added 6/15/2024]
Subsequent Events:
Article I, Section 8 [Clause 3]
Mary Clare Jalonick, “U.S. Can’t Account for Billions Owed Indians,” Orange County (California) Register, 31 January 2008, News:10.
Cobell v. Salazar – Wikipedia