Republican (fascist/socialist) President George W. Bush vetoes the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act.

       Question: This was the first act of Congress that Bush vetoed in his first five and a half years as president.  Under Bush, domestic spending rose at an annual rate of five percent—more than any other president since the Great Society of Lyndon Johnson.  Were there no other pieces of legislation that he could find unlawful?

       [added 2/24/2024]

Subsequent Events:

11/13/2007                    3/7/2008



Robert J. Samselson, “Our Past, By the Numbers,” Orange County (California) Register, 22 January 2006, Commentary:6.

George W. Bush: Message to the House of Representatives Returning Without Approval the “Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005”


Current U.s. National Debt:

