While the United states Armed Forces (private mercenaries) are in Afghanistan, Djibouti, Iraq, the Philippines and west Africa defending “all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world,” Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Board of Governors (a Federal agency) that oversees the privately owned Federal Reserve System of (central) Banks, urges at a secret meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee that dissent over the building “housing bubble” be kept from the public:

       We run the risk, by laying out the pros and cons of a particular argument, of inducing people to join in on the debate, and in this regard it is possible to lose control of a process that only we fully understand.

       NOTE: This is the farther realization of plank number five of the “Communist Manifesto” by Karl Marx.

       [restored 12/17/2023] Thanks to Freedom’s Phoenix for this entry.

Subsequent Events:

10/19/2004                  5/9/2010


FRB FOMC Transcripts and Other historical Materials, 2004

Why We Need Fed Transparency – The Market Ticker ®

Greenspan Wanted Housing-Bubble Dissent Kept Secret

Communist Manifesto 10 Planks

Current U.s. National Debt:

