Democratic (socialist/fascist) former de facto Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Esq., tells Jerry Wayne, a Detroit, michigan autoworker, “You’re full of s___,” after he had accused the presidential candidate of “actively trying to end our Second Amendment Right.”  Biden goes on to berate Wayne saying, “I support the Second Amendment.  “The Second Amendment – just like right now, if you yell “fire,” that’s not free speech. … From the very beginning, I have a shotgun, I have a 20-gauge, I have a 12-gauge, my sons hunt.  Guess what, you’re not allowed to own any weapon.


  • Article II of Amendment is not to protect hunting; Article II of Amendment is for the Right of Militia members to own military weapons to protect their States from hostile aggression.
  • As an attorney (Officer of the Court) Biden was ineligible to serve in two branches of government at the same time, according to Article I, Section 6 [Clause 2].

       [added 6/10/2023] Thanks to Freedoms Phoenix for this entry.

Subsequent Events:


“You’re Full Of S___!”: Biden Melts Down In ‘AR-14’ Tirade After Voter Confronts Over Plan To Take Guns | Zero Hedge

Detroit auto worker on ‘disturbing’ confrontation with Biden: ‘He was digging a hole’

Current U.s. National Debt:

