Fallout from 9-1-1 (9/11/2001): While the United states Armed Forces (private mercenaries) are stationed at 737 bases, in 130 nations around the world, defending “all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world,” William P. Barr, attorney general of the U.s., issues an internal memorandum to all U.s. attorneys and Federal statute enforcement agencies, directing them to “to lead an effort to refine our ability to identify, assess and engage potential mass shooters before they strike.”  Barr goes on to say that these potential threats are not terrorist in nature, but likely to initiated by those who  “exhibit symptoms of mental illness and/or have substance abuse problems.”

       [added 5/30/2023] Thanks to Freedom’s Phoenix for this entry.

Subsequent Events:


Attorney General Memo Implementation of National Disruption and Early Engagement Programs to Counter the Threat of Mass Shootings

AG William Barr Formally Announces Orwellian Pre-Crime Program

Current U.s. National Debt:

