Democratic (socialist/fascist) de facto President Obama (either a natural born subject of the British enclave of Kenya or the republic of Hawaii) turns the presidency over to Republican (fascist/socialist) Donald J. Trump, owner of the Trump Group.  Obama is giving to Trump a (publicly held portion of the) national debt that has expanded from 11,900,000,00,000 to 20,200,000,000,000 “dollars,” going from 82 to 104% of the Gross National Product, and from 39,0000 to 62,000 “dollars” per person.


  • The nation is still paying for the Panics of 1837 and 1857; the War of Federal Aggression; the Great War (World War I); the pre-New Deal; the Reagan Reverie; the Savings and Loan Bailout; the Persian Gulf War; the Afghan- & Iraqi-American Wars, the Great Recession; and the Billionaire Bailout through unlawful Direct (income) taxes placed upon United states subject/enemy/citizens.
  • As an attorney (Officer of the Court) Obama was ineligible to serve in two branches of government at the same time, according to Article I, Section 6 [Clause 2].
  • The Democratic and Republican (status quo) parties have now maintained a 120-year duopoly on political power.

       [restored 1/1/2023]

Subsequent Events:

2/1/2017                   3/4/2017                    1/20/2021


Article II, Section 1 [Clause 8]


Government – Historical Debt Outstanding – Annual 2000 –

List of Presidents of the United states – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Measuring Worth – GDP result.

Bureau of Economic Analysis is an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Leviathan on the Right (How Big-Government Conservatism Brought Down the Republican Revolution) | Strike-The-Root: A Journal Of Liberty

“Uncle Sam’s Flag of 37 Stars,” by Tom Caldwell and Jim Lorenz

Current U.s. National Debt:

