While the United States Armed Forces (private mercenaries) are stationed at 737 bases, in 130 nations around the world, defending “all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world,” Timothy F. “Turbotax” Geithner, secretary of the treasury, says on the American Broadcasting Corporation Sunday interview program, This Week that the United States will never lose its triple-A government bond rating: “[T]hat will never happen to this country. … if you … look at what has happened throughout this crisis, when people were most worried about the stability of the world, they still found safety in Treasuries and the dollar.”
NOTE: Although Geithner uses the word “country” here, the editors believe that he meant to use the word “nation,” in which a central government, with almost limitless power, treats its constituent states as mere enclaves, provinces, or sub-divisions of its greater self; as opposed to “Union,” which is a union of sovereign States under a federal system, with a central government whose powers are strictly limited by a respected Constitution.
[added 3/6/2021] Thanks to Freedom’s Phoenix
Subsequent Events:
Geithner Says US Credit Rating Safe Despite Debt – ABC News
‘This Week’ Transcript: Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner